Health is Wealth...1-Week Raw Foods Fast
As of January 31st, the Chinese New Year introduced the year of the Horse . I can only speak for myself, but the timing of this "2nd New Year" was impeccable. The month of January felt more like a "trial run" to 2014 and offered an opportunity to begin putting into action all of the mental, physical and spiritual aspirations that I have. However, it also was filled with some unplanned lesson-learning from the very start of the new Gregorian calendar year! At the beginning of this new month and year I am fully prepared to respond even more intentionally to my environment and each opportunity provided by each new day. This being said, as I did for the January 1st New Year, I will do at the start of February...I will fast . I love fasting. It is the best way that I have found to center myself, detox my mind and body of harmful elements and focus, plan and perform on my highest level. Because I believe in the power generated from fasting, I typically invite at le...