The Time Has Come...
Inner Peace and Positivity as we set sail into this Pivotal New Year! The time has come, in my life, to look much further in advance than ever before. Once a woman so greatly fulfilled by the mysterious pleasures concealed within each surprising moment, I felt it limiting and undesirable to plan for the days that followed in advance. Ultimate freedom and the true maximization of ones 20’s, to me, was being open to the will of the wind. As a result, my life thus far has planted me in and out (thankfully) of some tremendously educational adventures. However, recently a combination of multiple factors has encouraged me to question the longevity, cause, effect and true reasoning behind my “will of the wind” life philosophy. Turning 26, living partially and/or fully abroad for the last 7 years, entering my first and hopefully last true-love relationship, and the timing of the changing year are a few. I’m growing up, and I look SO forward to living a comfortable & adventurous life. This...