9 Fitness and Motivation Tips
In this post, I want to continue to motivate myself and others to get the body they want, need and deserve! For me, achieving the body type that I have always wanted is well on the way to becoming a reality! As many of you know, I’m a pretty health conscious person and along with working hard to avoid “dangerous foods,” I also try to keep active. However, I’ve realized that though my past routine was working better than doing nothing at all, it was not enough. I have ALWAYS battled with weight and my innate desire to always consume absolutely fabulous and delicious foods. For this reason, I, like many women I know, was on this diet & exercise roller-coaster ride that had no end in sight. Meaning, I’d go super hard and make progress (usually in spring and summer) and then self-sabotage myself by feeling & looking “good enough” to indulge in the “good-life” … a little. Well, the period of indulgent seemed to always last a little too long and reflected in the way I looked &...