
Showing posts from February, 2010

9 Fitness and Motivation Tips

In this post, I want to continue to motivate myself and others to get the body they want, need and deserve! For me, achieving the body type that I have always wanted is well on the way to becoming a reality! As many of you know, I’m a pretty health conscious person and along with working hard to avoid “dangerous foods,” I also try to keep active. However, I’ve realized that though my past routine was working better than doing nothing at all, it was not enough. I have ALWAYS battled with weight and my innate desire to always consume absolutely fabulous and delicious foods. For this reason, I, like many women I know, was on this diet & exercise roller-coaster ride that had no end in sight. Meaning, I’d go super hard and make progress (usually in spring and summer) and then self-sabotage myself by feeling & looking “good enough” to indulge in the “good-life” … a little. Well, the period of indulgent seemed to always last a little too long and reflected in the way I looked &...

Can you see me??... Wild Hair, Ruby Lips and Workin' those drums!! YEEAAA!!

Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. - Charles Reade Do you write your goals down? If not, why? Is it because you look at it the same way you do flossing? Something you know, and have been told repeatedly, is a great way to stay healthy and yet the actual act of doing it just somehow never gets done. No? You actually do floss on a regular basis. Wow, you are extraordinary! Well, me and most other Americans, 73% actually, would rather go grocery shopping. So, I guess you also write and update your goals than too?! Go get um, Tiger! But as I mentioned, “The Time Has Come!” So here are my life goals: * Achieve ULTIMATE physical health and mental well-being * ASAP, Earn a Master’s Degree at the School for International Training (SIT) in Vermont * Become proficient in more than 5 languages (English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, soon to be French and ??) * Live & work ...